Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sorry for the no-update. I've had some things going on that have made me less than snarkish, but life is looking up, so hopefully I'll update in the next few days. For my loyal fans, don't stop believing. See you soon!


Anonymous said...

I hope you come back soon -I love this blog! I'm hoping to recap some Ramona books myself, but it's hard. There's surprisingly little to mock. And mocking Beverly Cleary almost seems like it would get me struck by lightning or something.

Anonymous said...

I also hope that you come back soon, and that everything is ok so that you can go back to your regular snarking! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope things are okay and you're back to your loveable, snarkable self soon :)

colleenn said...

I totally understand.. I just updated my own blog for the first time in almost two months and am now getting around to catching up on all the blogs I had no time to read during that time span. Hope you're doing ok and are back and feeling snarky soon. :)

BurtonFanatic said...

You left us! Super sadness!!

Michelle said...

I just discovered this blog and LOVE it-- I'm totally having Beverly Cleary flashbacks. Too bad you haven't updated in a while, I check up from time to time :)